Year 6


Dear Parents/Carers,

My name is Katie Dickson and I am the year 6 teacher at Ysgol Sŵn y Don. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child into their final year at primary school! I am hoping that we will have a year without any interruptions! I am looking forward to working alongside you to make sure your child achieves to the best of their ability and has a great experience in year 6. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me either through the office or via email.

After adapting to distance learning very quickly during lockdown, this year we are developing a blended learning curriculum, which means that children will have access to sessions at home online through google classroom if there is something, which they do not understand or want to work on in more depth. It will enable them to show you sessions, the way that it was taught in class. I am aiming to share the majority of the work we complete in class onto our online learning platform. Children are also encouraged access head sprout and RM Easimaths at home.

Your child has already been given a reading book and a reading record, I have asked them to read twenty minutes each day. The children are capable of reading alone, however I do ask that parents encourage and support their child to achieve this objective and sign the reading record once your child has read please.

We will have forest school sessions each Friday morning, since we now have a new ‘active wear’ uniform, the children can continue to wear what they usually would to school, however they may need wellies or old shoes during wetter months. Please also ensure that your child has an appropriate coat during cold months and a hat/sun tan lotion during hot weather.

We will be doing a PE session each Friday afternoon, again the new uniform will be suitable dress for this session.

We have a very exciting year ahead of us planned out this year. In line with the new curriculum, children will be given the opportunity to help plan and suggest activities they would like to explore. After having an initial chat with them we have decided that during the first term we will be looking at what diversity means, which will include, investigating religion, race and racism, the Welsh culture and whether our bodies are the same or different.

Year 6 are also being given the opportunity to go to Nant BH for a couple of nights at the start of November. This is an invaluable experience which I would strongly suggest all children take part in. It always provides lifelong memories that your children will cherish.

Kind regards,

Mrs Dickson
