FPH Resource Base

Dear parent / guardian,
Mrs. Howells. Miss Dale (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) and Mrs. Sheridan (Teaching Assistant) would like to welcome all the children to Dosbarth Enfys. We are all excited to be back together after the summer and have enjoyed getting to know the new children who have joined us, as well as hearing about all the adventures everyone has had over the summer holidays!.

Our topic this term will be “Inside out!” We will be concentrating on the traditional tale “The Three Little Pigs” and wondering how we can keep ourselves safe in our house and whilst outside? We will be thinking about What makes us unique and what we are like on the inside and outside! What do we like doing inside school and at home and things that are important for us?

We are going to practise our phonic and counting skills and we will be thinking about the number of syllables in words as well as exploring words that rhyme.

P.E. will take place on a Thursday and, weather permitting, will be outdoors. As school has an “active uniform”, there is no need to come dressed in a special PE kit.
The children will be dismissed from the middle door on the foundation phase outdoor area (between Dosbarth Seren and Pili Palas).

A reading book to share with your child will come home on a Friday and will be replaced once read. Books will not be sent home without a suitable bag to keep them safe and will be only be renewed once the old book has been returned to school. Any damaged / lost books will need to be replaced by parents / guardians at a cost of £5. Please make sure that your child has their book bag / book on a Friday.

Home / school diaries are sent home (and are to be returned to school) daily to children who arrive and go home in a taxi. If there is anything you feel we need to know about, for example, any special visits, achievements, or difficulties you are experiencing at home, please make a note of it in the diary. If you would prefer, you can always phone school and I will call you back ASAP.

The children’s targets will be reviewed and updated termly, and you will be sent a copy to sign and return to school. If at any time you wish to discuss your child’s progress, please feel free to contact school to make an appointment. Annual Reviews for Reception and Year 2 children will be held in the Autumn term. For Year 2 children, provision for Year 3 will be considered. Further information will be sent in due course. The Annual reviews for the Year 1 children will take place in the Spring / Summer Term.

Please remember to ensure your child has a raincoat in school every day! As we are planning lots of outdoor activities. Pupils may bring fruit/chopped vegetables for snack each day and milk will be provided. If your child wears pull-ups or nappies, please make sure that an adequate supply of pull-ups and wipes are provided. A change of clothes would be great, as we have very few spare clothes in school for little accidents!

Thank you to those of you that have put your child’s name on their belongings – as you can imagine, this is very helpful to us in making sure your child has their jumper, coat, bag etc. at the end of a busy school day! If you haven’t had a chance to do this yet – could we please ask that you do this.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kindest Regards
Mrs Howells (Class Teacher, Dosbarth Enfys, Resource Base)